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NEW: Toolkits for next generation sequencing
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Cambio is excited to announce that we are now supplying products from ALINE Biosciences products in the UK and Ireland.
ALINE Biosciences is a leading provider of innovative solutions to magnetic bead-based high-throughput sequencing platforms (Sanger and Next-Generation) and DNA/RNA isolation and clean-up. ALINE’s mission is to provide highest quality and most cost efficient solutions with the combination of in-depth knowledge and innovative technologies for:
- NGS Library Clean-up
- Sanger Sequencing Clean-up
- DNA Normalization kits
- DNA Purification kits
- RNA purification kits
NGS Library Clean-up
- DNA Normalizer V3 - equalize the amount of the target DNA fragments from a different DNA samples such as PCR products. Can be used in both genomic DNA and PCR/fragmented DNA normalization, higher primer dimer/adapter removal steps (optional), and extended shelf life
- DNA SizeSelector I - effectively obtain the desired size selection range with a complete removal of adaptors in NGS Library Preparation
- PCRClean DX - utilizes Aline’s proprietary paramagnetic bead technology for quick high-throughput purification of DNA fragments
- RNA MagClean DX - RNA sample clean up from salt, enzymes and other potential impurities
Sanger Sequencing Clean-up
- PureSEQ-MP - BigDye terminator removal and salt cleanup in Sanger Sequencing. High and consistent quality
- SequeMid Plasmid Prep - magnetic bead-based technology for automated, high throughput plasmid, Cosmid, Fosmid purification from E. coli. The purified plasmid is suitable for high throughput DNA sequencing
DNA Normalization kits
- DNA Normalizer V3 - can be used in both genomic DNA and PCR/fragmented DNA normalization, higher primer dimer/adapter removal steps (optional), and extended shelf life
DNA Purification Kits
- DNA Concentrator MX - unique paramagnetic bead technology to concentrate and clean up DNA in one shot
- FFPE Magapure - designed for high throughput process and adaptable to all major liquid handling work stations on the market for FFPE tissue DNA, RNA, microRNA purification
- SequeMid Plasmid Prep - magnetic bead-based technology for automated, high throughput plasmid, Cosmid, Fosmid purification from E. coli. The purified plasmid is suitable for high throughput DNA sequencing
- PureGenome Plant gDNA kit - designed for the simple and rapid isolation of inhibitor-free, PCR-quality DNA from a variety of plant sample sources including leaves, flowers and seeds
- PureGenome Blood gDNA kit - magnetic bead technology for manual or high throughput isolation of genomic DNA from mammalian blood samples
RNA Purification Kits
- RNA MagClean DX - RNA sample clean up from salt, enzymes and other potential impurities
- FFPE Magapure - designed for high throughput process and adaptable to all major liquid handling work stations on the market for FFPE tissue DNA, RNA, microRNA purification

Article Source:
Cambio / Aline