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Happy Birthday Cambio!
Thursday, 12 November 2015

Happy birthday to us!
Cambio celebrates 30 years in the business on 25th November 2015, and we’ve seen some changes in this time! We started up with just one telephone line in the attic of Peter Dean’s house. In 1986 we moved to Newnham Road, where we occasionally got callers who wanted to exchange cash …
Do you remember when:
- Amidites were about £80 per gram, and 2-amino dA was the new dG - use it to strengthen your primer binding
- We built our first PCR machine out of computer fan and a cooker lamp
- Customers received a bottle of fizz for orders of 1kU Taq
- Dealing by phone or fax in pre-internet days
- Linscott’s Directory only existed in printed form
- Epicentre discovered how to use transposases (EZ::TN) and changed the whole way we thought about sequencing
- The early DNA polymerases were used to carry out Pol Assisted Repair Replication (hence Cambio’s PARR buffer) – Kleppe published this a few years before Taq. Early Taq had quite different properties to the modern ones
- NGS only referred to the National Garden Scheme!
Article Source:
Cambio Ltd