Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Gene Expression Analysis

Gene Expression Analysis: Gene Expression Analysis

MessageBooster™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit

The MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit enables the user to perform sensitive qRT-PCR studies from very small populations of cells, even from as little as one cell

BioSearch Tech (Lucigen/Epicentre)



Produce amplified amounts of cDNA from precious, limiting cell samples without bias

  • Perform RNA amplification directly from cultured cell lysates followed by cDNA synthesis
  • Amplify with this high-fidelity, linear RNA amplification process that preserves the relative transcript abundance of the sample.
  • Get more data out of precious samples – use less RNA for more RT-qPCR reactions
  • Readily and reproducibly detect even low-abundance transcripts from as little as one cell.
  • No need to purify RNA: Perform RNA amplification and cDNA synthesis reactions directly from cell lysates.
  • Collect samples less often and archive cDNA for future use, saving time and effort.



  • Amplification of mRNA directly from a cell lysate, without the need for purifying RNA, and conversion of the amplified RNA to cDNA.
  • Significantly increasing the number and sensitivity of qRT-PCRs from very small numbers of cells.
  • Generation of large amounts of cDNA from the mRNA of very small samples for archival purposes.

Figure 1 (click to enlarge). An overview of the procedure for the MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit. A kit reaction amplifies the poly(A) RNA (mRNA) directly from a crude cell lysate without the need for RNA purification. The amplified RNA is then reverse-transcribed to cDNA that can be diluted up to 1,000-fold for qPCR.


Figure 2. A MessageBOOSTER™ Kit reaction produces sufficient cDNA from a single-cell lysate for thousands of sensitive qPCRs. qPCR was performed using undiluted (red), 1:10 diluted (green), 1:100 diluted (blue), and 1:1,000 diluted (purple) cDNA from a lysate of a single NRK cell. The low-abundance PBGD transcript was readily detected.

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Protocols for: MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit

Due to the constant updating of the protocols by the manufacturer we have provided a direct link to Lucigen’s product page, where the latest protocol is available.

Please note this will open a new page or window on your computer.

 MessageBOOSTERTrade; cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit Protocol

(catalogue number MBCL90310)

Please note: all protocols off site are the responsibility of the products supplier

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200

Applications & Benefits


  • Amplification of mRNA directly from a cell lysate, without the need for purifying RNA, and conversion of the amplified RNA to cDNA.
  • Significantly increasing the number and sensitivity of qRT-PCRs from very small numbers of cells.
  • Generation of large amounts of cDNA from the mRNA of very small samples for archival purposes.


  • Obtain up to thousands of qRT-PCRs from as little as one cell.
  • Readily and reproducible detect even low-abundance transcripts from as little as one cell.
  • No need to purify RNA: Perform RNA amplification and cDNA synthesis reactions directly from cell lysates.
  • High-fidelity, linear RNA amplification process preserves the relative transcript abundance of the sample.
  • Collect samples less often and archive cDNA for future use, saving time and effort.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200

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