Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Oligo Synthesis

Oligo Synthesis : Reagents, Labelling

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0.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile

0.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile for ABI or Expedite

Glen Research

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
40-4632-520.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile (ABI)200ml £236.00 Quantity Add to Order
40-4632-52E0.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile (Expedite)200ml £236.00 Quantity Add to Order
40-4632-570.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile450ml £518.00 Quantity Add to Order
40-4632-620.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile2000ml £2,295.00 Quantity Add to Order
40-4632-710.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile1000ml £1,136.00 Quantity Add to Order



While iodine oxidation in oligonucleotide synthesis is standard, non-aqueous oxidation can be very effective in situations where components of the synthesis are sensitive to moisture and/or iodine. For many years, we have been recommending (1S)-( )-(10-camphorsulfonyl)-oxaziridine (CSO) as the best non-aqueous alternative to iodine oxidation. We are now offering 0.5M CSO in acetonitrile as a reasonably cost-effective alternative oxidizer. And we already offer 0.1M CSO for use in PACE chemistry.  More ...



Catalog Number: 40-4632-xx

Description: 0.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile

(1S)-( )-(10-Camphorsulfonyl)-oxaziridine (CSO)
Formula: C10H15NO3S (CSO) M.W.: 229.3 (CSO)

Diluent: Anhydrous Acetonitrile
Synthesis: A non-aqueous oxidizer. Replaces Oxidizing Solution on synthesizer.
Oxidation: For phosphodiester synthesis, a minimum oxidation time of 3 minutes is recommended.
Storage: Controlled room temperature
Stability in Solution: 12 Months


Glen Research offers alternative solvents and reagents in suitable bottles and formulations for use on various DNA synthesizers. All solvents and reagents are prepared to our exacting specifications to ensure the highest coupling efficiencies and are passed through a 0.2 micron filter during packaging to eliminate particulate contamination. Glen Research offers the activators below in powder form for later dissolution in anhydrous acetonitrile or as a prepared solution.

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Glen Report 9.1

Glen Report 22.2

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  1. M H Caruthers, et al., Gene Amplif Anal 1983, 3, 1-26
  2. M A Reynolds, et al., Nucleic Acids Res, 1996, 24, 4584-4591
  3. The Glen Report, 1996, 9, 8-9
  4. I Ugi, et al., Nucleosides and Nucleotides, 1988, 7, 605-608
  5. S L Beaucage and M H Caruthers, Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry, 2000, 1, 3.3.1-3.3.20
  6. Y Hayakawa, M Uchiyama, and R Noyori, Tetrahedron Letters, 1996, 27, 4191-4194
  7. N D Sinha, D P Michaud, S K Ray, and R A Casale, Nucleic Acids Res, 1994, 22, 3119-3123
  8. D J Dellinger, D M Sheehan, N K Christensen, J G Lindberg, and M H Caruthers, J Amer Chem Soc, 2003, 125, 940-950
  9. T P Prakash, J F Johnston, M J Graham, T P Condon, and M Manoharan, Nucleic Acids Res, 2004, 32, 828-33

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This product is hazardous to ship and a hazardous shipping rate will apply.

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