Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

HTS Assays

HTS Assays

HTS Assays

Transcreener® HTS Assays

Universal, high throughput screening platform for enzymes based on direct detection of nucleotide enzyme products with far red FI, FP and TR-FRET readouts.


Transcreener assays enable you to screen more targets, both well characterized and emerging, faster and more efficiently.

Thousands of cellular reactions use nucleotides, either alone or in combination with other substrates. Enzymes in the purinome alone – those that use adenine and guanine nucleotides – comprise 13% of the coding capacity of the human genome (ref). Of these, protein kinases have become highly validated drug targets, but lipid kinases, chaperone ATPases and GTPases as well as less obvious ATP-dependent enzymes such as Acetyl Co-A carboxylase are increasingly being targeted for therapeutic intervention. click here to learn more


iuvo Microconduit Array Platform

iuvo Microconduit Arrays enable the use of highly miniaturized, advanced cell models and functional assays with automated liquid handling and HCA platforms, with the goal of more accurate replication of in vivo processes in drug discovery. Instead of the "buckets" of various sizes used for cell culture in multiwell plates, iuvo plates have cell culture compartments with geometries designed specifically to support the biology and/or functions of interest.

iuvo plates comply with SBS standards, and the liquid in the microchannels can be displaced with passive pumping as often as necessary using standard automated liquid dispensing equipment. No specialized instrumentation is required to carry out assays or acquire the data. Three dimensional cell culture becomes easy to carry out, and the entire compartment is accessible to microscope-based HCA instruments as well as plate scanners. The microchannel environment reduces dilution of secreted signaling molecules, and the media can be sampled for analysis of secreted factors.